Kolaru Pathigam
'KOL' stands for both planets and evil in Tamil. Something that rips, shreds, or breaks into pieces is called 'ARU' in Tamil.
It means that all of the planet's bad impacts have been removed. If someone worships Siva and Parvathi and reads or hears the Kolaru Pathigam, it can turn any bad thing into a good thing. The promise and the guarantee are in the last line of every verse.
Astrology holds that all humans are subject to the laws of the solar system, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, or language. Because our ancestors were well-aware of the myriad ways in which the alignment of the planets may impact our lives, they developed rituals like puja and mantras to make sure that the stars would only shine upon us in good fortune.
The Kolaru Pathigam is a set of Tamil verses composed by Thirugnaana Sambandar.Thiru Gnana Sambandhar was a child prodigy who received Mother Parvathi's "Gnanapal" (divine milk).