Have you ever thought why we always put Rs 1 extra in the envelope with a gift?
No matter what you give as a gift—11, 51, 101, or 501—it always ends with 1.
If you give someone 101, 201, or 501 rupees instead of 100, 200, or 500, the extra rupee makes the amount impossible to divide. It represents the fact that the recipient of a gift always receives unlimited and undivided good fortune and blessings.

Many people believe that the number zero, also known as shunya, is not considered to be auspicious for those who have families. Therefore, It is customary to add one to the given amount. Also, the number '0' represents the end of something, whereas the number '1' represents the beginning.
The act of giving an additional coin is often interpreted as a gesture of goodwill, expressing the giver's desire for the recipient to experience abundance and prosperity in their life.
May your act of giving bring joy and blessings to both the giver and the receiver.