The Mahabharata has a fascinating story that explains the beginnings of this occasion. Mahalaya Paksha involves Mahabharat's Karna.
Karna is well-known for his generous contributions. After being killed on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Karna was taken to paradise after his death. Karna delighted in everything that heaven offered him, but when it came to nourishment, he was only given gold and silver. Gold and silver are not sufficient to satisfy one's appetite. Karna was in a state of extreme hunger and had no idea what to do with the gold and silver he had earned.
Karna went to see Indra and questioned him about why he didn't provide him with the appropriate nourishment. Indra responded by saying that throughout all of Karna's life on Earth, he have only given donations of gold and silver, and he have never given donations of rice or sustenance. Because he have never contributed to any kind, he should not expect to be given any food in heaven.

Karna pleaded with Indra to enable him to return to earth and contribute food so that he could have adequate nourishment. Indra agreed and permitted Karna to spend fifteen days on Earth. Those fifteen days constituted the Krishna Paksha of the month of Purattasi. During the fifteen days known as Mahalaya Paksha, Karna came to Earth and donated food, so qualifying for sustenance in heaven.
Similar to Karna, it is believed that the deceased forefathers or Pitru Devatas would visit the planet during the Mahalaya Paksha. Offering the Shraddha to them would please them and aid in obtaining their blessings. Forefathers also get sustenance in heaven.
Hence the Mahalaya Paksha is observed and Shraddha is done for ancestors.