The twelve distinct forms in which the Sun God Surya manifests himself are referred to as the Adityas.
The 12 Adityas are:
1. Indra 2. Dhata 3. Parjanya 4. Tvashta 5. Pusha 6. Aryama 7. Mitra 8. Bhaga 9. Varuna 10. Vivasvana 11. Vishnu 12. Anshumana.
Surya, as Indra, defeats the gods' adversaries.
Surya, as Dhata, is responsible for the creation of all life.
Surya, as Aryama, controls the wind.
Surya, as Bhaga, pervades all life.
Surya as Parjanya, causes rain to fall.
Surya As Tvashta resides amid the vegetation.
Surya, as Anshumana, controls the wind.
Surya, as Varuna is in the waters.
Surya as Mitra resides on the moon and the waters.
Surya as Vishnu defeats the god's enemies.
Surya as Vivasvana aids in food preparation as fire.
Surya as Pusha helps food grain to grow.

Every month of the year, a different Aditya shines as the Sun God (Surya).
Indra shines in Shravana
Dhata shines in Chaitra
Paranjaya shines in Falguna
Tvashta shines in Ashvina
Pusha shines in Magha
Aryama shines in Vaishaka
Bhaga shines in Pousha
Vivasvana shines in Bhadrapada
Vishnu shines in Kartika
Anshumana shines in Agrahayana
Varuna shines in Aashadha
Mitra shines in Jayshtha