In Shravana or Aadi month, Varamahalakshmi Vrata is observed on the Friday before Pournami.
The story is from Kanda Purana.
Lord Shiva explains to Goddess Parvathi about this Vrata. To demonstrate the holiness of this vratam, he used a story to explain.
Lord Shiva told the story of a woman named Charumati (of Kuntaniyapura in the Magatha desha).
She was a pious Hindu woman who was dedicated to her husband and children. She made regular offerings of prayer to the goddess Lakshmi.
Once, she had a dream in which Mahalakshmi advises her to perform a special pooja on the Friday preceding Pournami during Shravana masa. All of her hopes and dreams would be fulfilled.

When Charumati awoke from a dream, she was elated. The following morning, she took an early bath and discussed her dream with her family and friends. Everyone was thrilled to learn about the holy experience, and they were equally eager to take part in the vrata.
On the auspicious day, she faithfully observed the Varalakshmi vratam instructed by Goddess Lakshmi with her friends, family, and relatives by chanting the following mantra.
Padmaasane Padmakare sarva lokaika poojithe
Narayanapriya devi supreethaa bhava sarvada
It means :
She who sits in the lotus, she who holds the lotus, and She to whom all the worlds pray
She is the goddess who is dear to Narayana, Please be kind to me.
Charumati, her friends, and her relatives were given health, wealth, happiness, Wisdom, Love, Peace, contentment, and Strength.
Thus ends the story told by Lord Shiva.
Goddess Lakshmi will shower her blessings on everybody who performs the vrata and reads or listens to this story.
Happy Varalakshmi Vratam wishes to all!!!